Best Obstetric Doctor in Saharanpur

Prenatal Counselling

Prenatal Counseling - Having a safe, healthy and happy pregnancy begins well before you have a positive result on a test. Preconception counseling is a visit with your doctor, Dr. Anushree Pande at Pande Multispeciality Hospital, Saharanpur, where you discuss many aspects of pregnancy and plan for a healthy pregnancy. It should be done atleast 3 months before you plan a pregnancy.

Prenatal Counselling

During Prenatal Counseling by Dr. Anushree Pande at Pande Multispeciality Hospital, Saharanpur, the doctor will discuss about:
Your health parameters - any specific medical history of hypertension / diabetes / thyroid / epilepsy / drug allergy / vaginal infections / stds.
Family history - Your family history and your partner’s family history to look for any genetic conditions or disorders that may be passed on to a child. Prenatal genetic counseling is provided for all prospective parents, ideally before conception, to assess risk factors for congenital disorders.
Immunization status - Bring your vaccination records with you, to your appointment.
Lifestyle - A healthy lifestyle is very important during pregnancy.

During Prenatal Counseling by Dr. Anushree Pande at Pande Multispeciality Hospital, Saharanpur certain precautions are advised by her to help prevent birth defects (eg, avoiding alcohol, smoking, & taking supplemental folic acid.)
Dr. Anushree Pande at Pande Multispeciality Hospital, Saharanpur is the best prenatal counseler in the town.

Antenatal Care

Antenatal care during your pregnancy
by Dr. Anushree Pande at Pande Multispeciality Hospital, Saharanpur. - Appointments during your pregnancy are called your antenatal appointments or antenatal care.

Pregnancy is one of the most precious times in the life of a woman. The pleasure of motherhood needs to be nurtured very well. It is important that you go for expert pregnancy consulting during this phase. Getting early and regular antenatal care will help in spotting early health issues with the baby and can be tackled quickly before it becomes a big problem.

Antenatal Care

Antenatal appointments will allow Dr. Anushree Pande to help both you and your baby to stay healthy. Even if your pregnancy is going well and you’re feeling absolutely normal, it’s important for you to attend your appointments so that any potential risks can be identified and prevented, or reduced.
There are various important tests which are routinely performed during pregnancy( specific to week of pregnancy),that will be guided to you by our expert gynaecologist.

It’s also a great opportunity to ask any questions you have about your pregnancy such as what's happening during each trimester, physical pregnancy symptoms and the birth itself. You may want to ask questions about mode of delivery and care for your baby after the birth.